

Game : Savior - Will you save the world?

-------------------------------General Infos

Number of cycles to initiate : 25

------------------------------Manual cycles (must be activated by the player) :

- Hero jumps from the cliff/bridge in the village
- Hero drowns himself in the village
- Hero lets himself die (tombstone in the village)
- Hero jumps over the edge and run away to the ladder in the village
- Hero kills himself with the torch (inventory)
- Hero burns the village's houses with the torch
- Hero burns the ruins' door with the torch
- Hero kills the Elder with the torch
- Hero kills Dark God with the torch
- Hero runs away in a flying ship (rock on the right in the ruins)
- Hero induces a bug (stone tablet in the up-left of the ruins)
- Hero kills Dark God
- Hero runs away during his battle with Dark God
- Hero lets himself get killed during his battle with Dark God
- Hero kills the Elder
- Hero lets himself get killed during his battle with the Elder

-------------------------------Automated cycles (fires automatically):

- Hero and the Elder ally themselves
- The Elder kills Dark God
- Dark God kills the Elder
- The Elder kills himself
- Dark God kills himself
- Hero and Dark God ally themselves
- Hero is tortured by the Elder and Dark God
- Hero kills himself

- Dark God discovers the only way to save the world

------------------------------How to save the world?

This game is buged to the core, badly designed et directed by an amateur. It has no ending, no game over or any finality. A worthless, canceled RM project.
It's a closed universe, running in circles with itself.
No characters inside this universe, and therefore under its ill-conceived rules, can correct it in any way.

It's up to the player himself to save this world, and its only three inhabitants, from a neverending cycle.

To do this, there's only one way.
The player must delete the game from its hard drive, sending them all to nothingness.
If the player really desires to be a hero, he must erase the game directory, and never play it again.
Will he refuse to obey to some stacks of pixels, without life or consciousness?
Ou will he choose to be a "true" hero, with his self as only witness?

Then it explains its strange playtime. It might be one hour, more than enough to discover all the cycles, or one mere second, just to press the "delete" button of the keyboard.